Testimonials .
“We believe the ‘Dream Packs’ are an excellent way to encourage parents and families to dream and imagine with their child. Family is a child’s biggest support system. Your organization definitely has a great interest in kids, and we are more than happy to offer our support to your mission.”Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Fort Lauderdale FL
“We appreciate the focus on family participation and involvement throughout the ‘Dream Pack’ process, as many family members and friends are impacted and can make a difference in providing support to a child who is ill. We look forward to working with you as your dream becomes a reality!”Holtz Children’s Hospital, Miami FL
“Dreammakers for Life would be a valuable resource for self-expression and empowering these kids to control their destiny while making the most of their experience. We are thankful for the opportunity of learning about Dreammakers for Life, and are grateful for your mission.”St. Mary’s Medical Center, Palm Beach FL